Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sew Nice

When we went to Boise last Saturday, one of our goals was to purchase some stuff to help us get a little more organized due to our lack of closets. I (Carissa) was especially looking forward to getting my fabric more orderly. I enjoy sewing and suddenly realized I had quite a collection of fabric going-some left over from various projects and some snagged for dirt cheap at yard sales. I had devised a method in my head to tidy it up and was eager to see if it would actually work. It did! And I'm so excited to share it!
To get the full picture of just how well it worked, this is what I started with; an overflowing cardboard box accompanied by a falling-apart cardboard set of drawers. Not pretty.
And THIS is what it looks like now! I am thrilled with the change. I can actually see what I have now and I think (hope) it will be fairly easy to maintain. The tub on the left contains my big bulky fabric (like the 12ish yards of wool I scored at a yard sale for only $5 this summer!), blankets that have been donated to my fabric pile for repurposing, batting, and my small bit of yarn in the little green box. The tub on the right is what I'm most proud of though.

I bought a box of 2.5 gallon zippy bags and sorted my fabrics by color, so for the most part each bag holds a different color fabric. So instead of rifting through a big tub of fabric, I simply have to pull out the baggy of the color I'm looking for while the rest of my tub of fabric remains undisturbed. This part I didn't plan, but I was delighted to discover that the bags fit perfectly in my 20 gallon tub so I was able to line them up on end making it even easier to sort through them.I have high hopes for my new system, but I will give you an update after a while and let you know how it's working out.


  1. I'm so impressed! Look at you, getting all organized. Doesn't it just give you such a sense of satisfaction? =)

  2. Yes, it's amazing! I'm discovering the key to organization is all about figuring out what works for ME, not trying to copy any old idea just because it worked for someone else.
