Thursday, January 13, 2011

Down the Hall

Remember pictures of our hallway going upstairs? It had been our agenda to repaint it for quite sometime, though you maybe wondering how we could bear to paint over that beautiful mural and the amazing yellow, white and orange sponge paint job (yes, that remark may have been dripping with sarcasm)! We did repair the holes in the sheet rock prior to painting just in case you were wondering, but more on that to come later.
Just to make sure you get the full effect of the stunning mural that greeted us every time we trekked up our stairs, here it is in all it's glory. Can you image why we were eager to see it go?

And here is a nice view of the sponge paint job we got to view from our living room everyday.
Need I repeat that we were eager to see it go? We toyed around with the idea of going with some shade of green, but since our kitchen is a dark red we opted to keep it neutral. We didn't want it to look like Christmas down there all year round, nor did we want anything too dark since the hallway doesn't have much for lighting. We decided to go with the same color we used to paint the ceilings in the West bedroom - Ralph Lauren Cottonwood.
It keeps things light and neutral while giving us the option to add pops of color down the road as we get more of a direction for where we want it to go with the decor. But for now I am in love with having a SINGLE color on the wall. What a novel concept! lolDon't you just love the change a can of paint and a few hours work can make?

p.s. The ribbon on the beam is not permanent. It was just my meager attempt and some Christmas decoration a few weeks ago.

p.p.s. PTL the building inspection went awesome yesterday! The inspector was super friendly and easy to work with and didn't have any issues with our work-in-progress so far!

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