Or in our case, stone by stone, our fireplace is making progress. It's been a huge project and we still have a ways to go, but it's getting there. And so far we LOVE it!
The last time you saw are fireplace was shortly after we installed it. It looks kind of bare and lonely. =o(
But since then Travis built and plywood frame around it following code requirements (we were able to safely do this since our stove is what's considered zero clearance), as well as built and installed a sweet mantle milling the lumber himself with his Alaska mill (more on that to come, but since it's Travis' project I thought it'd let him write it).
Yesterday afternoon we got the tile laid on the hearth and our firewood pad, too. The tile is the same as what we laid in our entry way this spring.
We got our tile in the spring and the rock was given to us at a later date by a friend who had some leftover from his own house, but we couldn't have coordinated the colors any better. They blend perfectly!
As you can see we still have a LOT of rock to put up, but it's getting there little by little. And in the mean time we just sit back and admire our handiwork. =o)

We (i.e. Travis) applied a scratch coat and we were all ready to start putting up the rocks.

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