Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Good-bye Leaky Roof

Once again it's time to do some catch up with the blogging. I am going to try and keep things more up to date on here this year (we'll see how that goes...). One of the biggest projects we tackled this fall right after Travis was laid off work for the season was re-roofing our house.
For future reference, November in McCall is not the best time of the year to be working on a tin roof. Despite the cold, snow and rain, however, we (i.e. Travis) were able to get the north side of the roof finished with the generous help of some friends before the snow really set in for the season. The south side will have to wait till spring for it's makeover, but it doesn't have any leaks in it so it's not such a big deal. It will be exciting once the snow melts this spring to actually be able to see and enjoy our new pretty green roof!

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