Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring Blooming

In McCall we get the first bloom of spring as the snow melts... not flowers but everything that is hidden in the snow. At our house we have a huge crop of trash blooming out of the snow. This is where the loader pushed up a pile when they came in to "clean up" while the bank still owned the property. This is just what accidentally got pushed into the snow pile while they were scooping up the rest of the trash. It looks like a lot but it's sure better than if they hadn't cleaned up with the loader.

It's about time we got ourselves a dumpster. This is all the debris from the subfloor project. It's been sitting here since my parents were here. I think it's about time to have our deck back again!
Well this is the last post today which finally catches us up. We are up to date now. Stay tuned for more projects soon to come.

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