Sunday, June 13, 2010

Saturday Progress

Last Saturday was so productive! We started off by taking advantage of the break in the rain to get up on the roof to resecure it and tar around all the nail holes in hope of stopping the leaking in our "shop" (It's also our future master bedroom, but for now it's a shop!).
(Unfortunately, while it did help, it didn't solve the issue of the leaking...good thing we are planning on reroofing everything this summer!)

Then while Travis climbed on the roof again to give the chimney a sweep I got some flower beds started off the front porch. I forgot to take before pictures, but here is what it looks like now.
Ok, so it's not very impressive yet, but just give it a couple months. Those ugly strips of green are rolls of wild flower seeds and my hope is that eventually they will be bursting with color and cheeriness!

Next Travis got out his monstrous chain saw (I'm intimidated to use the thing, it's huge!) and trimmed down the wildly overgrown bush in our yard.

Again I forgot to take a before picture but if you can imagine everything in this slash pile below attached to the tree in a wild, chaotic, random way, you'll get a pretty good idea of how it looked.

But since all work and no play supposedly makes you dull we took a break in the weekend and went morrell hunting. Here are our spoils...
I love McCall!

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